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154 Grand Street
New York, NY 10013, USA

Digital Printing Manhattan

Laser cutting or engraving offers a wide range of possibilities when it comes to paper and print finishing. This technique can be used to create subtle patterns and complex paper patterns that simply cannot be achieved with other nesting techniques. Even the smallest inscriptions and smallest details can be engraved with laser cutting. It can be used to create unique and beautifully designed invitations, greeting cards, book covers and more. Laser cutting includes a delicate design of these products and adds a layer of sophistication to them.

Advantages of laser cutting

Laser cutting certainly has several advantages over conventional cutting techniques:

Best Cutting Quality: Cutting made of paper, smooth and precise
: You can engrave and cut even the most complex structures and smallest details using this
technique: You will ultimately reduce waste due to the precise nature of laser cuttingFlexibility
: This technique can be used on various types of paper and mediaCertainty
: This technique will consistently produce high-precision products.

At Printing Manhattan, we believe in the use of state-of-the-art equipment to meet all of our customers’ printing needs. We use the latest technology to produce high quality printing products. We strive to make printing as convenient as possible for our customers. Our highly qualified staff is extremely helpful and is always ready to solve any printing problem for our customers. We offer wholesale prices for our products and ship to all 48 continental states of the USA. Same day printing services are available for customers in New York and the same day collection shop is available for our Long Island and New Jersey customers.

We offer a range of printing services such as printing banners, brochures, business cards, stickers, posters, t-shirts, catalogues and much more. Besides laser cutting, we also offer other printing services such as embossing, firing, die cutting, screen printing, binding, postal services and graphic design support. Contact us today to create complex designs for your laser cutting print project.

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We usually reply within the hour, Mon-Fri 10am-6pm